Thomas Sotiropoulos, DDS
Snoring and Sleep Apnea Dental Treatment
Metro Dental Sleep Medicine LLC | 5400 Walsh St. | Saint Louis, Missouri 63109 | 855-2SLEEPEZ 314-849-5555
About Sufficient Sleep
While the exact number of hours of sleep required for each individual may vary somewhat, experts agree that healthy adults need between 7 and 8 hours sleep every night. During sleep our bodies are able to work, without disturbance, on refreshing our emotional, cognative and
- Hypertension/High Blood Pressure
Healthy breathing during sleep allows the air to flow freely in from the nose and mouth and unimpeded, through an open airway,
Sleep - don't lose more than you bargained for
Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea - When breathing easy, isn't
Gravity and extra weight can cause airways to narrow during sleep. Breath passing through a narrowed airway travels faster and can cause tissue to vibrate, creating the harsh sound of snoring.
When the tongue and tissue collapse into the airway, the flow of breath is actually cut off. The body responds by waking to self protect and regain the muscle tension to open the airway.
Snoring vs. Apnea
The difference between simple snoring and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) can be confusing.
At Metro Dental Sleep Medicine, our primary concern is making sure you get the most effective appropriate treatment for your particular condition. We urge you to pay attention to signs of snoring or apnea and to get a dignosis.
Step 1 to better health: Consult a physician for a full physical to evaluate for apnea or other health issues. If apnea is suspected, your physician will most likely refer you for a sleep study.
If your diagnosis is snoring, consider the following steps to reduce the impact of snoring on your sleep:
- Avoid alcohol before sleep
- Adjust to sleeping on your side
- Set a regular bedtime that allows you time for a full 8 hours of sleep and be consistent with it.
If a sleep study is recommended, make (and keep) the appointment.
If your diagnosis is sleep apnea, ask about treatment options. For additional information about treatment options, click here.
- Slower Reaction Times - More Accidents
physical health. When snoring or obstructive sleep apnea become a factor, sleep is disrupted and becomes less effective. The resulting sleep debt that accumulates over time, takes its toll and leaves the sufferer at greater risk of health consequences. Every year it seems, research is connecting increased risk of more and more chronic ailments and specific diseases to insufficient or poor quality sleep. Following is a partial list of health conditions being linked to inadequate sleep: